PHx-Modifier: thenc/elsec
von Thomas Jakobi am Sonntag, 16. Mai 2010 um 10:08 Uhr.
PHx then- und else-Modifier haben eine dumme Eigenschaft: Sie werden immer ausgeführt, und je nach logischem Zustand des Ausdrucks wird die Ausgabe unterdrückt. Dies ruft z.B. dann ein Problem hervor, wenn das Snippet $modx->regClientStartupScript ausführt. Die folgenden Modifier lösen das Problem.
Folgende Plugins/Snippets müssen installiert und funktionsfähig sein:
Es werden zwei Dateien im Verzeichnis assets/plugins/phx/modifiers angelegt und mit folgendem Inhalt bestückt:
<?php /* * description: Returns the content of a chunk if a phx expression is true * reason: PHx has one big problem with 'then' or 'else' constructs because the modx-parser * inserts all (visible) chunks at the beginning of the parsing process. * PHx parses then snippets and the phx-logic from inside to outside * (i.e. snippet-calls inside of snippets-parameters were executed first). * Also every snippet in the then or else branch will be executed even if the * phx expression is not hit - only the output is surpressed. * This modifier solves this. * usage: [+phx:if=`condition`:eq=`condition`:thenc=`chunkname`+] */ global $modx; $conditional = implode(' ', $condition); $isvalid = intval(eval("return (" . $conditional . ");")); if ($isvalid) { $output = $modx->getChunk($options); } return $output;
<?php /* * description: Returns the content of a chunk if a phx expression is false * reason: PHx has one big problem with 'then' or 'else' constructs because the modx-parser * inserts all (visible) chunks at the beginning of the parsing process. * PHx parses then snippets and the phx-logic from inside to outside * (i.e. snippet-calls inside of snippets-parameters were executed first). * Also every snippet in the then or else branch will be executed even if the * phx expression is not hit - only the output is surpressed. * This modifier solves this. * usage: [+phx:if=`condition`:eq=`condition`:elsec=`chunkname`+] */ global $modx; $conditional = implode(' ', $condition); $isvalid = intval(eval("return (" . $conditional . ");")); if (!$isvalid) { $output = $modx->getChunk($options); } return $output; ?>
Bislang habe ich folgende PHx Modifier veröffentlicht: